Monday, March 12, 2007

300: An Epic of Quality Versus Quantity

Frank Miller amazed and even shocked movie fans 2 years ago with Sin City, a movie based on his gory graphic novel that speculates the possibilities of urban crimes. This year, he does it again by bringing his graphic novel, 300 to the big screens. With its interesting storyline based on historical events, robust special effects and stylish action choreographing, 300 can be considered the greatest war movie ever made this year.

300 tells the story of King Leonidas, the leader of Sparta who led 299 finest Spartan warriors to defend their mother land against the massive invading Persian forces. Despite the small amount of warriors send to pit against a million Persian soldiers, the King and his warriors gave a great fight due to their great combat skills and fighting spirit which trembled the confidence of the Persian King forcing him to reconsider his invasion on Sparta. The movie itself also revolved around historical information on how these elite Spartan warriors were trained. Besides that, 300 also provide a historical exposure on the Greek administration system centuries ago. The storyline of 300 which was based on factual and historical record made this movie simply interesting to watch.

Apart from the interesting storyline, the unique characters featured made this movie a success. From well built Spartan warriors and ghostly Persian fighting elites to deformed abominators and criminally huge Persian elephants, the unique characters made this movie unforgettable. Another character that interest most of the audience was the tall Persian King who had a deep voice who simply redefined the cool characteristics of a villain. Furthermore, the design of the Persian elites that resembled a fearsome ninja delivered the audience a feeling of fear and mystery.

The action choreographing was superb. The sword fighting actions,the blood splatter and the decapitations of limbs that went slow mo similar to the Matrix, made this movie terrfic. The awesome soundtrack that had a mix of several classical instruments and rock music simply made this movie stylish. In addition to that, the state of the art special effects made the background of the movie looked like a painting masterpiece.The acting was great despite the actors and actresses in the movie were hardly any Hollywood celebrities. With superb action choreographing, great special effects and magnificent acting, it wouldn't be a surprise that 300 would qualify to win some awards.

Overall, the movie was simply fantastic and it wouldn't be a waste of money and time to watch it again. This movie deserves a 10/10 and it would be a crime to miss it. 300 will be expected to win the award for the best war movie this year.

A million Persian soldiers getting ready for combat

King Leonidas valiantly fighting the Persian soldiers

The Persian fighting elites

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