Thursday, July 16, 2009

Красная шапочка (Krasnya Shapochka aka Little Red Hat)

"To protect the sheep, you gotta kill the wolf. And it takes a wolf to kill a wolf"

Tokyo, Japan
Present Day

The darkness of the night barely shadows the sleepless town of Kabukicho as the countless neon commercial billboards illuminate throughout the night. Despite its late hour of the day, the red light district of Shinjuku is swarmed with sleepless youngsters and office workers, enjoying the remaining of the day wildly in the variety of pubs, host bars and brothels Kabukicho has to offer. Among the crowded entertainment district filled with people hoping to have a great time, a handful of triad members and Yakuza thugs station themselves around the key points of Kabukicho keeping a close eye for their criminal rivals and the police. On one of the sidewalks of the district, a parked black BMW houses two suspicious and mysterious individuals; one of them was a rugged man in his early thirties with a rough and sharp goatee who bears a visible scar next to his left eye which houses a nightmarish memory that continues to haunt him until today. Riding shot gun next to him was a Japanese woman who shares the similar age but looks a decade younger than him; with long straight hair and eyes of a fox with tanned yet soft skin, she is the exact opposite of the man sitting quietly in the car next to her. The mysterious partners had been resting their eyes on one of the hostess bar in the red light district for hours. Their persistent observation was interrupted for a moment when a patrol officer knocked on the sedan's window. The Japanese women in the car winded down the window and smile before the officer addressed his suspicion. "You've been in this spot for more than the permitted time. I'm going to have to ask you for your license and registration, ma'am" the police man politely asked. The rugged man who was next to her immediately flashed his Interpol badge with a threatening glare at the policeman. "Interpol!" Fuck off!" the rugged man warned. The police man immediately stepped away from the vehicle with a brief apology before he hurried away. The edgy rugged man than slid his badge back into his coat before he continued observing. "Agent Lim, I guess this case is pushing you over the edge huh?" the Japanese woman wondered. "Who wouldn't be if they knew that a lethal viral weapon capable of stripping human flesh in seconds is on the loose? How can you expect me to be calm when I actually witnessed my colleagues mutilated slowly by this fucking viral weapon in my own country?" Agent Lim replied as he was reminded of the tragic incident in Malaysia where a flesh eating viral weapon was released in the Kuala Lumpur Twin Towers by a fanatical cult which cost the lives of more than a hundred innocent people and his colleagues who happened to be his friends.

Ever since the unforgettable massacre, he was engulfed with rage and hatred for the ones responsible. Moreover, he hungered redemption like a starved beast and he actually got it when he managed to nail the leader of the fanatical cult during a dramatic and daring jungle raid on the cult's main hideout in one of the remote forests in Malaysia. CNN described the raid as a controversial take-no-prisoner commando raid that left every cult members dead even the women and children. Unlike his followers, the leader of the cult was the only survivor to the vicious raid which he later dreaded for not dying together with his followers when he was later subjected to CIA style interrogation and torture methods which were personally carried out by the vengeful Agent Lim. His hatred later went beyond the cult leader when he learned that a Russian arms dealer was responsible for supplying the viral weapon that caused the nightmarish tragedy at the Kuala Lumpur Twin Towers. The figure responsible for the man-made Pandora Box was no other than a beautiful Russian vixen by the name of Galina Makarov. She was a tall lady in her mid thirty's with long curled blond hair and had ocean blue eyes of an innocent girl; many could not believe that a goddess like her would deliver so much pain and suffering. Agent Lim, on the other hand thought of her as a hideous demon bitch masquerading within the flesh of a beautiful mortal that he personally wishes to strip. His hateful redemption was later rewarded as he was appointed by his Interpol superiors to apprehend Galina Makarov who is believed to be in Tokyo supplying a Japanese right wing terrorist group. Agent Lim's superiors did not have to think twice to exclude him from this case given his personal vendetta, nevertheless they were choiceless as he was the only Interpol agent who was the most knowledgeable about the viral weapon given his dreadful experience not to mention the Russian target, who he has been obsessed with recently. The mission to apprehend Galina was a joint operation between Malaysian and Japanese Interpol which later landed Agent Lim in Japan.

"Once we nail Galina, the innocents and your friends' death will not be in vain..." the Japanese woman reassured the agitated Malaysian agent. "Damn right it will!" Agent Lim replied. A while later, a group of shady Yakuza thugs came out from the hostess bar whom caught the attention of the partners; one of them looked wealthier than the others not to mention that he dressed differently from his company who were all in black suits and slacks. It was Miyamoto, a local agent for Galina Makarov who has been scooping interested customers for the Russain bio weapons supplier; the Interpol recently received intelligence regarding his connection to Galina and his whereabouts in Japan. "Agent Goto, that's Miyamoto!" Agent Lim alerted. "He knows where Galina is. I'm calling back up!" Agent Goto replied hastily. "Fuck that! Let's go after him now!" Agent Lim disagreed immediately. Miyamoto and his goons later entered into a white Audi sedan car before they left the district. Agent Lim immediately started the car and tried to tail Miyamoto's car but he was slowed down by the overwhelming crowd; he immediately hit the car's horn repeatedly and yelled rudely, telling everyone to move aside before he speed off. The Interpol agents tailed Miyamoto to a dark secluded road. Agent Lim then accelerated his car before slamming it violently into the rear of Miyamoto's car. Agent Goto grabbed onto the safety handle of the car nervously as Agent Lim slammed his BMW to one of the rear side tires of Miyamoto's car. As one of the tires of Miyamoto's car burst, his car flipped and crashed violently into the sidewalk of the road. Agent Lim then brought his car to a halt before he and Agent Goto drew their Glock side arm. As they cocked their pistol, they exited the car; Agent Goto took cover behind the opened door of the BMW to provide cover while her partner walked casually to the crashed car. As the passengers of the crashed car crawled out, they started to draw their guns but they were shot dead by the Interpol agent before they could pull the trigger.
Miyamoto shattered in fear as he saw his bodyguards taken out viciously by the ruthless agent. Agent Lim smiled sinisterly at Miyamoto before he grabbed the Yakuza up and rest the hollow tip of his gun on Miyamoto's head.

"Where is Galina!?" he demanded. "I...I don't know..." Miyamoto sobbed in fear as he started crying for his life. Agent Goto watched the interrogation helplessly: although she never approved police brutality, she made this time an exception as she realize that she needed to reach Galina before she sells the viral weapon. Agent Lim then laid the hollow tip of his Glock on one of Miyamoto's eye. "Look into the gun! Look in it! Do you see the bullet!?" Agent Lim asked furiously. Miyamoto continued stammering in fear. "Where the fuck is Galina!?" the impatient agent asked again. " I...don't know...please..." Miyamoto cried desperately. Agent Lim then turned to his partner and demanded, "Toss me your cuffs, Goto!" . Agent Goto was confused before she asked, "What!?". "I said toss me your fucking cuffs!". Agent Lim screamed before his partner threw her hand cuffs over. The second he caught his partner's hand cuffs, he dragged Miyamoto harshly to his crashed Audi before throwing him onto the hood of the car. Miyamoto grunted in pain before each of his wrists were cuffed to the side mirrors of the car. "What the fuck are you doing!?" he asked frantically as Agent Lim went into the Audi and slowly reversed it from the sidewalk. He then drove the car closely to the edge of a cliff which was not far away before he got out. "You crazy motherfucker! Stop it!" Miyamoto pleaded desperately. Agent Goto just stood by and tried to stomach the horrors that were about to begin. "Last chance, asshole! Where the fuck is Galina!?" Agent Lim shouted as he prepared to release the brakes of the car which will send the vehicle over the cliff. "A safe house in a nightclub in Shibuya! Uhh..." Miyamoto finally spat Galina's whereabouts. "There are plenty of clubs in Shibuya! Which one!?" Agent Lim continued angrily. "Ice Blade! It's called Ice Blade! Now let me fucking go, you maniac!" Miyamoto demanded. "Okay..." Agent Lim chuckled before he released the brake sending the car over the cliff. Miyamoto's screams echoed as the car headed down into the darkness shortly before it reached the ground with a big explosion.

Agent Goto who was shocked by the unexpected behavior of her partner then screamed, "What the fuck is wrong with you!? Why did you do that!?". "He told me to let him go and I did..." Agent Lim replied. "Freeze, you son of a bitch!" Agent Goto aimed her sidearm at Agent Lim. "I'm booking you for police brutality! Drop your gun!"Agent Goto demanded. "Arrest me!? Are you fucking out of your mind, you bitch!?" the angered agent then pointed his gun back at his partner. "Don't make me pull the trigger, asshole!"Agent Goto warned. "If he was left alive, he would have alerted Galina and we can kiss this case good bye!" Agent Lim asserted some sense into Agent Goto furiously. Before he continued, he lowered his weapon and approached his car. "We now know where Galina is and I'm going to apprehend her. Either join me or shoot me right now. That's your call, Agent Goto" Agent Lim said. Agent Goto paused for awhile before she lowered her weapon and rejoined her partner. "Let's go! This time, I'm driving!" Agent Goto suggested as she took the driver's seat of the BMW. The Interpol agent than left the scene and they headed for Shibuya without wasting anymore time.

As the agents drove under the silence and darkness of the night, they gave a big thought into the case. "You know, we won't find the viral weapon at her safe house" Agent Goto warned. Agent Lim who was reloading his side arm then paused for a moment; he looked at his partner before she continued. "It's not like as if she's stupid enough to keep the weapon with her. If we arrest her right now, we won't have the evidence to prosecute her."Agent Goto speculated. "Then I guess, we'll just have to beat the shit out of her until she speaks" Agent Lim replied. "By the time we manage to get her to say a word or two, that weapon would have been detonated somewhere in the capital." Agent Goto said. Her partner was speechless as he knew that she was right; he couldn't think of any other way to solve the issue at hand. "Any ideas?" Agent Lim asked as he gave up figuring a way. "I got one..." his partner replied confidently.

Meanwhile at a small apartment somewhere in Tokyo, a Japanese woman in her late thirties with short hair is sitting on a sofa in the living room alone. On her hands was a twenty by fourteen photo frame which housed a warm and happy family photo of herself, her five year old son and Agent Lim. She has been holding the photo frame looking at it for quite a while however, she never gets bored of it at all. Shortly after that, a five year old boy with short hair, small eyes and rosy cheeks approached her; he climbed on her lap before she placed the photo frame aside and squeezed him with love. "Why aren't you sleeping yet, sweety?" the woman asked her son. "I'm waiting for daddy." the son replied. "Daddy won't be back early tonight. You should sleep first" she later suggested. "But I want to see daddy while he is still here... It's not like he comes to Japan every time to see us" the son resisted. "Why doesn't daddy stay with us?" he continued. "Well, that's because he is busy working in Malaysia" the woman replied with a smile. "I miss him a lot. I wanna see him tonight!" the son further insisted. "Daddy will be still here tomorrow, don't worry. You should sleep now so that you will be fully rested tomorrow to play with daddy" she continued as she patted her son's head. "Okay..." the son eventually agreed. "How about a bedtime story for mummy's little prince?" she generously offered. Her son didn't have to think twice to say, "yes". "She later brought her son to his bedroom and laid him on his bed before she went to the bookshelf to pick a storybook. "So what shall it be for tonight, sweety?" she asked. "Little Red Hat" he replied. She then removed the book from the shelf and sat next to her son on the bed before she started the story:

Once upon a time, there was a little girl who hadn't seen her mother in seven years. She was forced to dress in iron clothes and was told "When you wear out those clothes, you can go back to your mother". The girl rubbed her clothes on the wall trying desperately to tear them. When she finally torn them, she got some milk and bread as well as a little cheese and butter and set out for her mother's house. In the woods, she met a wolf who asked her what she was carrying. "Milk and bread...and a little cheese and butter," she answered. When the wolf asked for some, the girl said no, saying it was a present for her mother. The wolf asked whether she'd be taking the path of pins or the path of needles.

As the agents arrived at the night club, they went into an alley which led them to the back of the club. Waiting there were huge mean looking Russians equipped with AK47s and Uzis which they secretly hid behind their winter coat. "Remember to smile and keep it cool" Agent Goto reminded her vengeful partner. "I'll try my best" her partner joked. "I'm serious! Don't fuck this up!" Agent Goto angrily whispered. "Can I help you?" one of the Russian brute asked in Japanese with his thick Russian accent. "We're here to see Miss Makarov" Agent Goto said. "There is no Makarov here" the other Russian man said. "Miyamoto send us" Agent Goto replied nervously as she tried her best to not blow her cover. The Russian looked a bit surprised; he then whispered into his comrade's ear. "Okay...this way..." the Russian brute said before he escorted the undercover agents to the front of Galina's safe house door. "Hands up, please" the other Russian thug requested as he was ready to search the undercover agents for any weapons. After a thorough search on the agents where no weapons were found, the Russian thug let them in. As they entered the cozy safe house, Galina's man invited them to have a seat and make themselves at home. The small and cozy safe house was not fully furnished; it had only a couple of chairs and a wooden table in the living room. The walls were dirt black and the floor was dusty. A woman then appeared out from another room in the safe house; she wore a long red winter coat with a hood. It was Galina; she gave a warm smile and a friendly welcome to the undercover agents. "How is Miyamoto and his family?" she wondered. "They're all fine, Miss Makarov" Agent Goto tried her best to lied when she remembered what her partner did to Miyamoto a while ago. "That's good. So, what brings you here?" Galina started getting down to business as she ordered her men to bring her a bottle of vodka and a couple of cups from the kitchen. "Miyamoto wants to know when and where will you be selling the viral weapon to the right-wing terrorists?" Agent Goto asked. Galina then paused for a moment as she began to fell suspicious. As she opened the bottle of vodka and filled the cups with a little, she curiously asked, "And why would Mr. Miyamoto wants to know?". "He doesn't trust the right-wing terrorists. They usually come in huge numbers to any dealings and it has not been the first time that they actually rubbed out the other party at the deal. He is concerned about the safety of you and your men and he insists that his men should back you up." Agent Goto explained. The Russian vixen then served the vodka to her guest before she continued, "That is what I like about your boss. He knows how to take good care of his customers. Indeed, I am short of men and I have thought about the terrorists' treachery a couple of times. Tell Mr. Miyamoto that I accept his help. The deal will take place in Warehouse number 13 at Kokoji's Shipping and Storage, 2 hours from now". "Understood, Miss Makarov. I will immediately inform my boss and we will ensure the safety of you and your men during the weapons deal." Agent Goto reassured. "Very well, let's drink to our success!" Galina and her guest raised their cups before they chugged down the strong Russian vodka together.

When the girl said she was going to take the path of pins, the wolf hurried down the path of needles and ate up the little girl's mother.

As the agents drove off, they immediately wasted no time in commencing the next phase of their plan. Agent Lim drew his cellphone out and dialed the Interpol Head Quarters in Japan. "We've got a fix on the location of the weapons deal. The deal is going on at warehouse number 13 at Kokoji's Shipping and Storage in 2 hours time! We strongly believe that the viral weapon will be there" Agent Lim reported hastily. "I need you to scramble two ICPU (Inter Continental Paramilitary Unit) teams to the designated location immediately. Get them to recon the warehouse and stand by for my further orders. I want them to report to me." he continued before he hung up. Half an hour later, Agent Lim received a call; it was from one of the ICPU teams. "Bravo team reporting, sir!" the Bravo team leader reported. "Our recon indicated twenty to thirty right-wing terrorists appearing at the warehouse. They're all heavily armed." the ICPU team leader continued. "Copy that. Good job Bravo Team" Agent Lim complimented. "Patch me through the second ICPU team" he ordered. "Alpha reporting, sir!" the other ICPU team leader reported. "Alpha, have your men ready to storm the target! Take no prisoners!" Agent Lim barked his orders. "Sir yes sir! We're moving to position". the Alpha team leader acknowledged as he ordered his men to move out. "Bravo team, continue your observation. I'll rendezvous with you ETA 20 minutes." Agent Lim continued. Shortly after that, Alpha team reported, "Alpha team approaching the target....getting into position...Alpha team in position" the ICPU team leader reported. "Hit it!" Agent Lim ordered. "Go!Go!Go!" the Alpha team leader shouted before he and his men stormed the warehouse and empty their machine guns on the unsuspecting occupants. The rattling sounds of the machine gun and screams of death echoed Agent Lim's cellphone. "Clear!" the ICPU team leader reported. "Outstanding job, Alpha Team!" Agent Lim complimented. "Time to role play, Alpha team. Put on the terrorists' long coat and dump their bodies." the agent continued. Shortly after that, both Agent Goto and Agent Lim arrived at the observation post of the ICPU commandos which was not far away from the warehouse. As they entered the observation post, the ICPU commandos of Bravo team saluted the Interpol agents before giving them a detail report on their mission. Both the Interpol agents were impressed with the outstanding performance of the ICPU commandos. "The Russians should be here in thirty minutes time. Bravo team, I need you to take key positions outside the warehouse which is ideal for an ambush." Agent Lim ordered. "Considered that done, sir!" the Bravo team leader acknowledged before he and his men moved out. Agent Lim then picked up the walkie talkie and radioed for Alpha team, "Alpha, what's your status?" the Interpol agent asked. "We're all dressed up, sir." the Alpha team leader replied. "Copy that. Hold your position and wait for further orders." Agent Lim continued.

The girl finally reached the mother's house.

Half an hour later, Galina and her men met up with the undercover agents half a click from the warehouse; as they got out from their car, they were greeted by the undercover agents. "My men are in position. They have remained hidden to maintain an element of surprise which will give us an advantage should anything goes wrong." Agent Goto reported to Galina. "Very well. I suppose the both of you will be accompanying me and my men to the deal." Galina requested. "Of course. It will be our pleasure, Miss Makarov" Agent Lim acknowledged sinisterly as he was excited for redemption. "That must be the infamous viral weapon" Agent Goto commented as she looked at a small machine that housed a glass container filled with green gas, which was lying in the back seat of the car. "Yes indeed. This is going to make me rich tonight. Of course, Mr. Miyamoto's initiative and effort will not go unnoticed. He will be rewarded handsomely for it." Galina assured the undercover agents with a grateful smile. "Then let's not waste anymore time. Your buyer are waiting eagerly at the warehouse, Miss Makarov." Agent Goto replied before she ushered Galina back to her car. The motorcade then proceeded to the warehouse which was later welcomed by the ICPU commandos masquerading as the right-wing terrorists.

"Mother, open the door," she said. "Push on the door. It's not locked," answered the wolf. But the door still wouldn't open. So the girl crept in through a hole into the house.

A couple of masqueraded ICPU commandos approached the dealing table and placed a couple of briefcase loaded with money while Galina and her men exited their car. The undercover agent who was escorting them got out from their car as well before they took a brief peeked around the warehouse. "I believe you have what we want" the Alpha team leader started. "Only if you can pay for it, my friend" Galina replied as she removed the viral weapon from her car. The Alpha Team leader ordered his men to opened the briefcases full of cash before he continued, "Eight million US dollars in total. Four in each briefcase just as you wanted". "Here's the viral weapon which you so strongly believe that will assist in your organization's cause" Galina presented the weapon on the table for the ICPU team leader to inspect. "Outstanding! This weapon will make the 1995 Sarin subway gas attack look like a cream puff." the Alpha team leader inspected with amaze.

"I'm very hungry, mother," she said. "Have some meat in the cupboard," answered the wolf. It was the flesh of her mother killed by the wolf. A big cat jumped up onto the cupboard and said, "That's your mother's flesh you're eating." "Mother, there is a cat on the cupboard and it's saying that I'm eating your flesh" she said. "That's a lie of course, throw a shoe at the cat,"the wolf replied. The little girl having eaten the meat, was thirsty. "Mother, I'm thirsty". she said. "Drink some wine from the pot, answered the wolf". When she did a little bird, came flying in and perched on the chimney stack. "That's your mother's blood you're drinking" the bird said. "Mother, there's a bird perched on the chimney stack and it's saying that I'm drinking your blood" she said. "Throw your cloak at the bird" the wolf said. Having eaten the meat and drunk the blood, the little girl turned to her mother and said 'Mother, I'm feeling very sleepy".
"Come over here and get some rest" the wolf said.

One of Galina's men then noticed something strange as he witnessed several blood stains on the floors and walls of the warehouse. "I thought this was supposed to be a warehouse...not a slaughterhouse" one of Galina's men chuckled nervously as he looked around the slightly bloody warehouse. Galina couldn't help but to notice the bullet holes on the winter coats of her buyers which had a little blood stain on them. "Your organization should maybe think about getting their men proper clean coats first before spending so much on weapons like this. After all, how can an organization succeed without high morale?" she joked as she approached the ICPU team leader before she dusted off his dirty coat. "This is a setup!" she later screamed in Russian before she took the Alpha team leader hostage. Galina's men then withdrew their assault rifles and sub machine guns out before they pointed them at the buyers. The masqueraded commandos then pointed their machine guns at the Russians and they demanded them to drop their weapons. "You drop your fucking weapons or I'll blow his fucking head off" Galina threatened violently as she rested her Desert Eagle on her hostage's head. "Wait! Stay cool! Don't do anything yet!" Agent Lim whispered quietly to his partner, telling her not to blow her cover yet. "Bravo team reporting in!" the Bravo team leader tried reaching Agent Lim secretly through the agent's concealed ear piece; the extra ICPU team were getting ready to conduct an assault on the warehouse at the bark of the agent's order. "Hold...hold..."Agent Lim whispered quietly ordering the Bravo team to do nothing yet. "You're not the terrorists. You're all fucking cops!" Galina continued as she waved her gun around. "You've been surrounded! Drop your weapons!" another ICPU commando of the Alpha team warned, as she pointed her rifle at Galina. "I'm not going to tell you again, pigs! Drop your weapons or Tempura over here gets it." Galina further threatened as she rested her gun on her Japanese ICPU hostage. As she noticed that the commandos still had their weapons raised, she shot off her hostage's right ear lobe, forcing her helpless hostage to scream in pain. "Ahh!!! You fucking bitch! I'll kill you! Fuck it team! Just shoot her! Just shoot the fucking bitch!" the wounded Alpha team leader cried in pain as his right ear poured crimson water. "Can it, Tempura! Or the next one goes right in your fucking head! Drop your weapons now, you fucking pigs! I'm not going to ask you again" Galina continued warning the ICPU commandos to disarm themselves. The commandos eventually dropped their weapons and raised their arms submitting defeat to the Russians as they did not want their team leader to suffer further. "What the fuck are you guys doing!? Shoot her! Shoot her! Goddammit!" the Alpha team leader ordered. "The both of you! Get the money and the viral weapon. We're out of here!" Galina ordered the undercover agents. "Bravo team, hit it!" Agent Lim ordered as he knew now it was the time to have his back up to come in seeing that Galina and her men were about to leave. A couple of stun grenades were tossed into the warehouse by the invading Bravo team; Agent Goto and her partner quickly rolled into cover to avoid the stunned grenades. As the the stunned grenades exploded, the Russians were stunned and both the agents opened fire on their disoriented adversaries. The commandos from the Alpha team rearmed themselves and fired upon the Russians. A sniper from Bravo team who was located twenty meters from the warehouse shot Galina's gun wielding arm; she screamed in pain before she dropped her gun. The wounded ICPU Alpha team leader elbowed her in her stomach before he dropped and kick her away. The Alpha team leader than ran to safety where he was later retrieved by his teammates. Several ICPU commandos from the Bravo team fast roped through the warehouse's windows before the opened fire; within minutes Galina's men were all shot dead. The wounded Russian vixen was all alone, surrounded by her enemies. Agent Lim and Agent Goto then appeared in front of her with their guns pointed at her. "Miss Makarov, you're under arrest" Agent Goto said while she aimed her Glock pistol at Galina. "You can either come with us peacefully or you can die here and join your friend, Miyamoto" Agent Lim said. "So it was you who set me up...and it was you... who killed Miyamoto..."Galina cried in disbelief as she learned the harsh fate that she now faced. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she was saddened by the death of her men and her friend, Miyamoto. "Take her away!" Agent Lim ordered the ICPU commandos before he holstered his sidearm, turned away and walked off. "I'll fucking kill you! You bastard!" Galina then quickly drew a Walter PPK from her coat and aimed the small pistol at Agent Lim. However, before she could pull the trigger, the Alpha team leader shot her in her head killing her instantly. Agent Lim was a little stunned but he knew he was safe thanks to his trustworthy ICPU commandos. Galina fell to the ground and she laid motionlessly on the floor with blood pouring out from her head; the Russian vixen was dead.

Then the wolf ate up Little Red Riding Hood.

As the Japanese woman finished the last page of the story book, her son was almost asleep; she then covered him with a blanket. Before the little boy slept, he whispered something into his mother's ear which slightly surprised her. After wishing him goodnight, she switched off the lights in his bedroom before she exited his room. Back at the living room, the Japanese woman picked up the photo frame which she was looking at earlier on, and she placed it back neatly at the original place. She gave out a brief sigh hoping that the man in the picture standing next to her will come home safe. Shortly after that, the front door of her apartment was unlocked and a figure then entered her home; it was Agent Lim. "Okaeri! (Welcome home)" the Japanese woman wished him with joy as she was happy that her man returned home safely in one piece. "Tadaima (I'm home)" Agent Lim replied before he ran to the woman and hugged her tightly. "Is he already asleep?" Agent Lim asked the woman with a smile. "Yes" she replied with a warm smile. Later that night, both Agent Lim and the woman were at the apartment's balcony looking up at the dark skies gazing for stars. The woman was wrapped around Agent Lim's arm. "So what did the both of you do earlier on?" Agent Lim asked curiously as he continued holding her tightly. "I was reading him Little Red Riding Hood" she chuckled. "Ha, that's cute" Agent Lim laughed. "Before he slept, our son whispered something funny into my ear" she continued. "Really? What was that?" Agent Lim asked with interest. "He told me that you reminded him of the wolf in the story" she laughed. "Is that so?" Agent Lim paused for a moment. As he reflected on his job earlier on, especially with what he did to Miyamoto, he said "Maybe he is right..."

-The End-

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